About Dre. Ève Laferrière chiropraticienne D.C.
Dr. Eve Laferrière has been in practice since 2002, providing healing chiropractic care and lifestyle advice to all ages of patients. In 2007, she fulfilled her dream of opening her own clinic in Dorval.
She is passionate about helping her many patients in the community, including those in Lasalle and Dorval. The holistic approach of Dre. Ève Laferrière chiropraticienne D.C. serves to protect the health of families, children and professionals, understanding that it is our greatest asset.
Dr. Eve’s provides her chiropractic services at Clinique Chiropratique Lachine on Notre-Dame Avenue. She welcomes both French-speaking and English-speaking patients.
Dr. Eve Laferrière
Our Mission
Spinal vertebrae that have lost their normal motion or position (what we call a subluxation) can impair the function of your nervous system. Dr. Eve focuses on correcting subluxations to improve your nervous system function and health. As your nervous system begins to work better, your body operates at a higher level and can adapt to stress.
Whether you are coming to us for the relief of symptoms or to optimize your health, it makes sense that a healthy nervous system should be the first step on your journey towards optimal health.
Contact our practice today to get started on living better. Free parking available!